This year’s conference takes place on 26-27 November, at the Birmingham Conference and Events Centre! Email matt.gill@processevolution.co.uk to reserve your space!
Our Police Client Conference preparation is already well underway, as we look forward to another year of getting our clients together to meet, collaborate and share best practice within Policing.
Following on from our ’23 Conference in Nottingham which saw 8 organisations represented across the two days, we held a number of discussions with focus on practitioner spotlights, tool applications and best practice workshops. This year, we’re taking the Conference back to Birmingham, but this time to the Birmingham Conference & Events Centre.

This conference will follow our previous years of successful formula; with our first day being an ‘Analyst Day’, and carrying a focus on the practical applications of analysis and the best ways to utilise our toolset.
As a bridge between the analyst day and second day, we’ll be heading to the Birmingham Bierkeller, presenting a more relaxed opportunity to mix with other users, spark discussion and create professional connections.

The second day, our main conference event, will host senior leaders from across UK policing who will discuss their experiences of implementing change. We’ll also see a development team update, alongside practitioner stories and further discussions.
You can read what happened at our event last year, session by session by following this link!
If you’re interested in presenting and/or attending this years conference, please contact matt.gill@processevolution.co.uk to secure you spot! We’re always wanting to celebrate the success of our clients, and we hope to see as many of our clients there as possible.