
Evidence-Based Consulting

Our processes are designed to produce practical and feasible recommendations that deliver real savings and performance improvements. Across five steps, we work with clients to successfully undertake programmes for change, from initial scoping to continued implementation.

Stage 1 – Scoping

Initially, scoping sessions with a variety of stakeholders will be held to ensure that we understand the objectives and the options for completing the work.

One benefit of this is that we establish a single team approach. This enables all parties to gain a shared understanding of the objectives, priorities and context of the project and have mutual agreement on the progression of the task prior to the next stage.

The key output of this first stage is a scoping report. This will outline the issues identified, how we will proceed, and determine the objectives and desired end goal of the project.

Stage 2 – Baselining & Diagnoses

We extract and consolidate performance and activity data from existing client systems and apply our rigorous analysis and sophisticated data management techniques to demonstrate what is happening on an evidence-based level and beyond the concept of perception.

With these findings, our aim is to set an appropriate baseline for the current processes, performance and workload undertaken by the client. This enables us to understand and create a suitable rationale for change and identify areas of opportunity across the scope of the project.

Throughout this phase of the work, interim findings will be presented in order to discuss the most suitable avenues for progress.

Stage 3 – Modelling, Evaluation and Optimisation

Using our extensive suite of software tools and scientific modelling methodology, we assist our clients to understand, plan and shape their organisations. This provides an objective and robust solution on how services can maximise performance, make savings and eliminate waste.

We’ll simulate a number of future scenarios to supply a platform on which the client can outline prospective options for senior stakeholders, without carrying the risk or cost of a real-life experiment.

Our commitment to getting it right is centred on providing a number of these options that vary in feasibility and time of implementation, specifically tailored to allow flexibility in approach.

Stage 4 – Reporting & Recommendations

Once an understanding of the project has been gained, we will put forward clear options and recommendations that the client can use to make informed and evidence-based decisions.

Our final report will provide detailed and evidenced solutions driven by a robust data-led approach and will explain clearly how they can be delivered to stakeholders with confidence.

Stage 5 – Support, Implementation & Continuation

We work with clients in the real world and tailor our approach to the specific needs and locations of a service to deliver the optimal support package.

Our aim is to provide ongoing support that ensures the expectations around the changes proposed are met, and that the benefits are realised.

This can be completed through ongoing analytical support or through the training and upskilling of in-service staff to utilise our software suite and deliver on a continuous basis, while iteratively improving and benchmarking against the changing environment and service targets.

Process Evolution Tools

Across our projects, we use our own developed software tools to provide outputs and rigorously tested solutions. More can be read about our specific policing, or cross-service functions, here.

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